Written by New Jo-Kym, AUSMAT 1401 alumna and MCKL Alumni Relations Senior Officer.
On the 17th of August 2024, the Alumni Association of Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) collaborated with MCKL’s Careers, University Placement and Alumni Relations Department (CUPAD) to organise its first networking session since the global pandemic.

The networking session was held on a Saturday afternoon at the Tan Sri Lee Kong Chian Hall at the MCKL campus. Like-minded alumni from a diverse range of cohorts, from as early as the 0501s to the more recent 2301s, gathered to carry forward the spirit of camaraderie in our MCKL community.
The event kicked off with a bang, commencing with a forum entitled “From MCKL to Marketplace: Key Lessons that Propelled My Career,” where a panel of three esteemed alumni shared their life experiences: Tang Junn Hsien (Cambridge A Level 0901), an investor at Navis Capital; Rocyie Wong (A Level 1203), social media influencer and founder of The Glow Beyond Podcast; and Tan Wye Shaun (A Level 1401), co-director of Charge Ady Sdn Bhd. The forum was moderated by the Alumni Association’s president, Justin Ong (A Level 1401).

The panel brought a rich blend of perspectives to the forum with their diverse backgrounds, contributing to a lively exchange that resonated with alumni across generations. They shared their unique stories about how they built their careers, and the tough lessons learned along the journey. The hour-long forum concluded with touching words of encouragement from the panel, offering advice that they would give to their younger selves. Each of the panel members received a certificate of recognition as a token of appreciation from MCKL, presented by the manager of MCKL CUPAD, Mr Joshua Johnson.
The fun continued with mingling time where our alumni exchanged not just business cards, but also insights and stories. Laughter echoed and ideas flowed as experiences from different walks of life enriched the tapestry of our shared MCKL heritage. During this time, our alumni took the opportunity to chat with our MCKL Alumni Partners: Jonathan Tiong (AUSMAT 1301), principal chiropractor and founder of Balance Chiropractic; Foo Hooi Ting (A Level 1407), clinical psychologist at Serene Psychological Services; Ivan Ho (AUSMAT 1407), physiotherapist and founder of Honest Rehab; and Ng Bai Lin (A Level 1601), web developer and founder of Moggi Solutions.

Learn more about the benefits offered by our MCKL Alumni Partners
A student-led initiative called Beyond 20 also joined us to garner support from their seniors and recruit alumni as volunteers for their upcoming donation drive. Beyond 20 aims to foster volunteerism within the student body, extending beyond the mandated 20 hours of service learning. They cover a wide range of causes, including humanitarian and environmental efforts.
Finally, the MCKL Alumni Association President, Justin Ong, provided some important updates to close the session. This includes an exciting re-introduction of the lifetime membership subscription policy set at RM50, which has taken effect on 18 August 2024. Previously, members had to pay an annual fee of RM10. In other words, our alumni will only need to sign up once to become a lifelong member of the association, eliminating the hassle of annual renewals.
For more information about the MCKL Alumni Association membership, please scan the QR code below:
One of our Alumni Partners, Ng Bai Lin, testified about the positive impact that the networking session had in a personal reflection: “A big thank you to Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) and MCKL Alumni Association for organising this fantastic Alumni Networking Session!”
“Coming back to Methodist College Kuala Lumpur after eight years was like revisiting a cherished and nostalgic place. It was heartening to reconnect with familiar faces and be inspired by an alumni speaker who emphasised the importance of pursuing your passions and sharing your achievements with family and loved ones,” she added.
As the evening drew to a close, the air was filled with a sense of renewed inspiration and anticipation for the future. Alumni lingered to continue meaningful conversations over light refreshments, including local delicacies and refreshing beverages.

The MCKL Alumni Networking Session is more than a simple get-together; it was a celebration of our collective journey and a steppingstone to greater heights. Until we meet again, let these photos be a reminder of our unbreakable bond and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
Want to see more photos? View the full album on the MCKL Alumni Facebook page.
The MCKL Alumni Association is currently led by a committee of four: Justin Ong Yao-Ying (President), Michelle Tan Yuen Joo (Vice President), Ling Wen Hoong (Secretary), and Colin Wong (Treasurer). The association currently has 80 members and counting. To become a member, all you have to do is fill up the form.

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