Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) is proud to announce the launch of our first branch campus – MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus). The 130-year-old building was historically a primary school known to have nurtured many generations of Penangites. Its land was retained and redeveloped for tertiary educational purposes.
In our work to continue the progression of purposeful learning, we must establish more public-private partnerships to remain internationally competitive and keep our attention on providing quality education, to bring the nation to higher levels and to the international forefront. With this in mind, MCKL’s vision and mission are abreast with the Ministry of Higher Education’s aspirations to develop future-ready graduates. MCKL’s vision as ‘The Institution of Excellence for Life’ strive to deliver excellent and quality education, which ultimately serves its purposes as an institution for the community. This is why, in almost 40 years since its inception, MCKL is now led by five key thrusts, i.e. Future Education, Lifelong Learning, Transformational Learning, Digital Support Services, and instilling MCKL DNA.
Grand Launch & Officiation Ceremony of MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus)
Date: 29th July 2022 (Friday)
Time: 10am – 12pm
Contact us today at 04-217 5088 (Pykett Campus, Penang) or visit https://mckl.edu.my/pykett/ to learn more about the programmes offered at MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus).