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MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) Celebrates Inaugural Graduation: Pioneering Excellence and Shaping Leaders

Methodist College Kuala Lumpur’s branch campus, MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) proudly commemorated the remarkable accomplishments of its first cohort of students who successfully completed the prestigious Cambridge A Level and Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) programmes during a momentous graduation ceremony held on Saturday, 20th January 2024.

The event marked a historic milestone for the institution as the graduating students showcased their diverse talents and exceptional achievements, underscoring the success of the Cambridge A Level and AUSMAT programmes at the Penang campus.

MCKL’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Chua Ping Yong, addressed the graduating class, emphasising the core values that have guided their academic journey. This ceremony symbolises years of hard work, dedication, and commitment, shaping you into the accomplished individual you are today. At the heart of your endeavours is Honouring God, directing us toward a life of integrity, empathy, and compassion. Carry this commitment forward, manifesting goodness, kindness, and humility,” remarked Dr Chua.

MCKL’s Chief Executive Officer, Dr Chua Ping Yong

For over a decade, MCKL has consistently produced award recipients and maintained an average 100 percent pass rate for the Cambridge A Level programme. For the inaugural graduation, notable achievers from MCKL Pykett Campus include Tung Ze Rui and Wong Ching Shuen, Top in the World for AS Level Law and AS Level Physics.

Wong Ching Shuen, the Top in the World AS Level Physics recipient, is also the Outstanding Achiever and the Yim Kam Yoke Award winner as the overall Best Performance in GCE A Level Examination November 2023. “These awards are a concrete recognition of my efforts and a confidence boost that will aid me in reaching greater heights in the future. These awards serve as a constant reminder for me to stay humble and grateful for everyone here at MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus). The community here is the launch pad that got me and my peers soaring.” Wong Ching Shuen is currently enrolled in Monash University studying Medicine.

Wong Ching Shuen, the Top in the World AS Level Physics recipient

Wong Ching Shuen, the Top in the World AS Level Physics recipient

“The competitive environment at MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) pushed me towards academic success. The challenging academic atmosphere fostered a culture of excellence, compelling me to strive for my best. Engaging with high-achieving peers not only provided a benchmark for my own performance but also encouraged a healthy competition that fuelled my motivation. I had to constantly be a better version of myself come every exam. This, in turn, has shown me the power of self-competition. I am sanguine this growth mindset I have fostered here will serve me well in university,” mentioned Top in the World for AS Level Law achiever, Tung Ze Rui.

Top in the World for AS Level Law achiever, Tung Ze Rui.

Top in the World for AS Level Law achiever, Tung Ze Rui.

The graduates’ outstanding performance in their respective programmes serves as a testament to MCKL’s enduring reputation for 40 years of excellence in education. The graduation ceremony signifies a symbolic milestone, encapsulating the institution’s commitment to a values-based approach that fosters academic excellence and shapes future leaders, innovators, and change-makers.

Dr Gerard Boey, Principal of MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) and Academic Dean of MCKL, expressed immense joy and pride for the students who have etched their names in the institution’s history. “Their commitment and willingness to go beyond have contributed significantly to the success of MCKL Pykett Campus students.”

Dr Gerard Boey, Principal of MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) and Academic Dean of MCKL

Dr Gerard Boey, Principal of MCKL College (Penang, Pykett Campus) and Academic Dean of MCKL

Chan Yue Wen is one of the Excellence Award recipients from AUSMAT. She graduated with an outstanding 93 ATAR score and has been accepted into the University of Melbourne, Australia, to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce. “It is an honour to be part of the first batch of graduating students from MCKL College. This experience was quite difficult as we did not have the advantage of learning from seniors, but this holds significance as we are the pioneers, paving the way for future students. It also sets the standard for future students, showcasing their potential.”

Chan Yue Wen, one of the Excellence Award recipients from AUSMAT, with an outstanding 93 ATAR score

Chan Yue Wen, one of the Excellence Award recipients from AUSMAT, with an outstanding 93 ATAR score

During the ceremony, Dr Chua highlighted the significance of the inaugural graduation held in a heritage building, the former Pykett Methodist Primary School, built in 1937, with the same rich history of Methodist education. Today, the MCKL Pykett Campus provides higher education opportunities for school leavers and adult learners in Penang and the northern region.

The graduation ceremony was even more special with the inspiring speech by Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr Sahol Hamid bin Abu Bakar, the Vice Chancellor of UNITAR International University and an esteemed alumnus of Pykett Methodist Primary School. His address was filled with nostalgic insights and valuable wisdom, leaving a lasting impression on the graduates.

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr Sahol Hamid bin Abu Bakar, the Vice Chancellor of UNITAR International University

Prof. Emeritus Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Ir. Dr Sahol Hamid bin Abu Bakar, the Vice Chancellor of UNITAR International University

Also in attendance were the Rev. Dr T. Jeyakumar, Bishop of The Methodist Church in Malaysia; Dato’ Dr Tan Kee Kwong, former Chairman of the MCKL Board of Governors; and Mr Ngu Chie Kieng, a Member of the MCKL’s Board of Governors.