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Whistleblower (Non-Retaliation) Policy

At MCKL, we are committed to foster a culture of transparency, integrity, and accountability. This policy is designed to protect individuals who report any wrongdoing, misconduct, or unethical behaviour from any form of retaliation. It applies to all individuals or stakeholders, including employees, students, contractors, volunteers, and any other individuals associated with the organisation.

Examples include fraud, bribery, other acts of corruption, theft, embezzlement, misuse of funds, and abuse of power or position. However, it does not include personal grievances, interpersonal conflicts, etc.

Last Updated: June 2023

Whistleblowing Procedure

This procedure outlines the avenue and mechanism to report any violation of laws and/or other Improper Conduct concerning MCKL safely and confidentially.

Last Updated: September 2023

Whistleblowing Report Form

We take whistleblowing seriously and your concern matters to us. Any disclosures of improper conduct that concerns MCKL shall be made by making a report through completing the WHISTLEBLOWING REPORT FORM and emailing it to